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Thursday, 28 November 2024

The Yearling


Title: The Yearling
Author: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Rating: ★★★★★
Ages: 10 - 18+

    Back Cover Synopsis:

    In this classic story of the Baxter family of inland Florida and their wild, hard, satisfying life, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings has written one of the great novels of our times. 
    A rich and varied story - tender in its understanding of boyhood, crowded with the excitement of the backwoods hunt, with vivid descriptions of the primitive, beautiful hammock country with humor and earthy philosophy - The Yearling is a novel for readers of all tastes and ages. Its glowing picture of life that is far and refreshingly removed from modern patterns of living becomes universal in its revelation of simple courageous people and the abiding beliefs they live by. 

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